How to create bootable Windows 8 ISO DVD using Oscdimg.exe | Technology Enthuz Group

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

How to create bootable Windows 8 ISO DVD using Oscdimg.exe

Sometimes you want to install Windows from a bootable DVD but all you’ve got are just flat Windows installation files in hand. The same thing has happened with me also, in my case I downloaded Windows 8 RTM build which was leaked earlier this month. There was no direct bootable ISO image, all I got are flat installation files in the downloaded package. So, it was required to create a bootable ISO of Windows 8 from the set of files, prior to begin installation.
In order to do that, I have used the Assessment and Deployment Kit for Windows 8 (formally known as WAIK). And in this blog post, you will walk through the step by step instructions to create a bootable ISO of Windows 8.


  • oscdimg.exe- A command line CD-ROM and DVD-ROM pre-mastering utility to create bootable ISOs of Microsoft Windows. And you will get it once you’ll install ADK for Windows 8. You can download it from here, for instance:
  • Windows 8 Setup files

How To:

  1. First of all, you’ll need all the Windows 8 installation files at one place. For example, I copied all of them within a folder (C:\WIN8AIO).
  2. Run Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment (Command Prompt) as Administrator and then type the following:
  3. oscdimg.exe –l<Disc_Label> -m -u2 –b<path_of_bootable_img_file> <path_of_installation_source> <path_with_filename_is_to_be_created>
    • -l is used to set volume label of DVD
    • -m is used to create bigger image file than 700MB
    • -u2 is used to create UDF file system for DVD
    • -b is used to locate boot image of DVD
    For example:
    oscdimg.exe -lWIN8AIO -m -u2 -bC:\WIN8AIO\boot\ C:\WIN8AIO C:\WIN8AIO.ISO
    oscdimg windows adk

    Creating bootable ISO DVD using Oscdimg.exe

  4. It will scan the source tree, begin creating the image, and when it will be done, you’ll have a bootable ISO file for Windows 8 ready.
  5. Now just burn your new ISO image on a DVD media using any third party software like NERO, ROXIO, ImageBurn, etc.


  1. Great Tutorial, It Worked like a Charm :-)

  2. I appreciate your effort and the quality of the information you provide about windows 8. I will certainly follow these recommendations.

  3. THANK YOU VERY MUCH...................... :)


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