Imagine Cup 2013 to be held in Russia! | Technology Enthuz Group

Monday, 16 July 2012

Imagine Cup 2013 to be held in Russia!


On the 22nd of June, 2012, as part of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, was the signing of an agreement on the World Wide Finals competition of Imagine Cup 2013 to be held in St. Petersburg in the summer of 2013!

Over the past 10 years Imagine Cup finals were held in the most exotic and exciting countries around the world, and now for the first time in the history of the competition, the best students around the world will gather in Russia!

Imagine Cup Finals...
2003: Barcelona, ​​Spain 
2004: Sao Paulo, Brazil,
2005: Yokohama, Japan,
2006: the Delhi-Agra, India
2007: Seoul, Korea,
2008: Paris, France
2009: Cairo, Egypt,
2010: Warsaw, Poland,
2011: New York, USA
2012: Sydney, Australia
2013: St. Petersburg, Russia

The choice of Russia as a country where the final is due not only to the fact that St. Petersburg in the summer - it's surprisingly wonderful and beautiful city, included in some of the best cities in Europe. It also confirmed a high level of student innovation in Russia. Not for nothing in St. Petersburg are two Microsoft Innovation Center, 7 IT-academies, held many youth technological measures.

"Microsoft believes its strategic objective to support student innovation, and Imagine Cup - an ideal opportunity to implement them and acquiring the necessary skills for further work" - narrative in today's event, Nikolai Pryanishnikov, president of Microsoft in Russia. In 2013, Microsoft partners for the World Wide Finals of Imagine Cup 2013 in Russia will be the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Fund "Skolkovo", and we hope it will attract even more active student teams to compete.

It is great news for all students! A trip to the World Wide Finals is always the most important prize for the students, spending a week with the most talented and active students from around the world changes the attitude and life of every student and becomes a highlight of their lives for many years.

For now, let's Congrats the students competed in the World Wide Finals in Sydney, Australia & Won Prize... and continue to brainstorm for innovative ways in using technology to help solve the world's toughest problems!


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